Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 3: Real Life

So I've taken a few days off from posting about our life here in Malta. Nothing wrong, just nothing to report. Real life has been the motto of week 3. We've been doing everything we did when living in the States, just in Malta. Lots of grocery shopping, grabbing coffee, cooking, work, and reading. Same ol' stuff.

The biggest part of our week last week is that we began...and hopefully completed...the discussion and planning of the next few months. I work better when we have a plan and I have something to work on and research. Since we are only here 4 more weeks after this week, I know how long it took us to make a plan for Malta so I didn't want to end up at the last hour with no where to go.

It seems like the world is our oyster...and in a sense it is, but not totally. There are a lot of factors that have to be considered when picking a new destination. There are laws that are very strict. There are visas that need to be worked out. There are rules regarding poker and where the guys can actually work without the threat of jail in some countries or fines in others. So it's not quite as simple as throwing a dart and going....although Dan has had some fun using a random country generator website to throw out ideas.

All signs are pointing that the "family" is breaking up. We are looking for different things in our next stop and the lists don't match up. But that's ok. And it's life. We may end up meeting back up again in a few months...who knows.

There is a very good chance that Dan, Ben and I are going to stay together. We are working out the details and trying to get some more information, but as soon as we have a better made plan I will let you know. Our plans through out the week have ranged from Istanbul to Seoul, South Korea, to living on a boat in the Caribbean. We are all over the board, with an ending point in sight.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Good news to see the Ravens lost last night....definitely makes up for us not getting to see the game here. And a big win for ND Basketball. So a good sports weekend over all.

Until tomorrow...xo

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