Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cozy Cafe Afternoon

This afternoon has been exactly what I needed. I escaped the house a little after 1pm and headed to Cafe Cuba for some alone time. Laura and I tried their lattes earlier this week and they were the best we've had on the island! Finally we found some delish coffee to keep us from going insane.

When I was in Pittsburgh over Christmas, the Myers had hazelnut cream for their coffee that was absolutely addicting. I have been craving hazelnut so much! Since we found the latte's I have been in heaven! There are not many things a hot hazelnut latte can't fix :)

For a few hours this afternoon I sat at a small table and worked on a plan for March for Dan and I to travel some. Our lease is over in Malta at the end of February and we have decided to use the last 30 days of our visa traveling Europe and seeing some different places. Today was the first day I started working on the outline, but things seem to be coming together nicely. As soon as I have some better details I'll let yall know where we are going so we can get some tips on places to eat, stay, see, etc.

The boys have been studying hands and analyzing certain cards each day. The house has been pretty quiet this week and full of work, girls catching up on all of the Real Housewives episodes, and 'family' meetings to see what March, April, May and June hold for us. So many decisions....just enough time.

Hope everyone is having a great week. We are headed out to the Surfside Restaurant tonight for dinner and to watch the Barcelona vs. Real Madrid soccer game. In some sad news, Bubbles the bar is still there, but Bubbles the fish spa has officially closed down. The fish are all gone, the seats are gone, even the sign is gone. Sad sad sight.

Until tomorrow....xo

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