Monday, January 9, 2012

Sad Day in Steel Town

I am really just assuming it is since it has been a sad day here in Malta living with 3 Pittsburgh natives.

Last night we opted to stay in and set up the football game on one of the laptops and all hang out on the couch. When the score was 14 to 6 I decided to take a little nap on the couch which led to falling deeply asleep on the couch to avoid spending 3 hours watching a bad game unfold. When Dan finally came to bed and told me the end result, my only thought was 'how did the Steelers even make it to overtime?!' Clearly that thought was only in my head...I wasn't crazy enough to ask that at 2 am Malta time.

The rest as they say is history. Everyone looovvveeesss Tim Tebow now. The writers all said he wouldn't be good int he NFL and those same people are now just in love. Since I didn't watch the game I can't comment, but lets just say I am kind of glad I slept through it! :)

Oh well, the National Championship is on tonight and I think seriously considering setting my alarm for 2:30 am and getting up to watch it. It will be the last college football game for a while and I kinda feel like missing it makes me not a fan. We shall see what 2:30 am feels like though.

Hope everyone had a great day. Not too much to report here. Rainy/cold-ish day here that included another killer Insanity workout. We are seriously wearing ourselves out trying to do the Insanity program, but in 60 hopefully it will all be worth it.

 Until tomorrow...xox

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