Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week 1 in Malta

View from our Balcony

It may be very close to the end of the third day, but here I am again plugging along and doing my best to make this blog thing a habit :)

So we have reached the end of our first week in Malta. We have seen both good and bad days and/or moments but we survived. The week has flown by and crawled along all at the same time if possible. Luckily we are for the most part adjusted to this time zone and have our bearings about the city....well, we can find food, bottled water, wine & beer, and some fruits and veggies. Ben and I even have a little run routine/route down. I'd say it has been the best week we could have hoped for.

I think we are all getting much more comfortable living with each other too. We never expected it to be an easy process of transition, but it could be called a positive work-in-progress. I am working on stopping my "mothering" habit. Since Ben doesn't have a wife or gf here I have for some reason felt the need to make sure he's alright all the time. He is also very used to living alone or with one other guy who he knows very well. His routine and habits do not include mothering girls around 24/7. I am working on it : / 

We have been running together the last two days and those have been the happiest times I have had since we've been here. The island and the water is gorgeous and Ben and I keep saying "can you believe we are running in Malta!?" It's been perfect!

Street Decorations

Other than that its been business as usual. The boys are back working. We finally got our secure connection on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday afternoon the previous owners turned off their internet and we were stranded for 12 hours without any way of using the web. You would have thought we were just told we were not getting food for the rest of our lives with the way we reacted.

Luckily we had a 3 Euro bottle of wine and some games and enough food for dinner. I think we all wandered off to bed pretty early in the hopes that sleep would make the time pass faster and that morning would bring back the internet. We are truly 5 technology dependent & obsessed people. Sad story, but true. What did people do before there was internet? Thank you Al Gore for sharing "your" invention with the world.

Sign we saw on our walk to dinner

On Wednesday night we all ventured out to St. Julians part of town for a belated celebration of Laura's birthday. It was also the boys last night of vacation so a nice dinner was in order. Mike found a cute restaurant called Lulu's which had a diverse menu for a set price. We each were able to pick a starter, a main dish and a dessert. Below are the pictures from dinner. The food was excellent and the atmosphere was fun too!

Saffron Creme Rigatoni

Beef Carpaccio

Local Goat Cheese

Pumpkin Feta Salad

Butternut Squash Soup

Monk Fish


Veal Marsala

Local Pork  Prepared Three Ways

Beef Filet with Aubergines

Birthday Celebration

Banoffe Pie

Mama's Cake

Chocolate Mousse

Lemon Sorbet

Apple Pie a la mode

Tiny Espresso

Hope things are going well for you all back home. Have a great week and look for some more blogs tomorrow! We are off to watch the Steelers game in Malta at a small sports pub next door that we are bribing the bartender to show for us. Normal, right?

Until tomorrow....xo

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