Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Friday...Gotta Get Down on Friday

Sorry for the break on blogging this week..and for getting Rebecca Black's song stuck in your head.

Since we finally made a decision of where to go, we have been busy trying to figure out the details, work with Mike, Laura and Ben on flights, dates, etc. and figure out housing. It has been a crazy few days.

We did squeeze in some time for fun this week though. I went to Buffalo for a few hours on Tuesday to run errands and had a great time wandering around a mall there. It was decorated for the holidays, and I actually felt like I got to enjoy some holiday shopping this year. And obviously a stop at Target was necessary so that always makes me feel like I am back at home.

Then last night the 5 of us went to the Real Sports Bar for our last time to watch the Steelers vs. Cleveland game on the big screen. We had so much fun, were out too late, and discussed/made all kinds of plans for Malta. We are all very very excited for our time together and adventures over the next two or three months.

Other than that not too much is new with us. I have been cooking, online Christmas shopping, and trying to get organized for another move. Dan is busy working and enjoying his free time without studying. His test went well last was a long 6 hour test so he is definitely glad to be past that. He won't get his score for about 8 weeks though. I will post some recipes this weekend for yall as well. We have had some great and super easy dinners lately that are fun to try.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend. We are anxiously awaiting a true snow fall. Memphis had snow this week so Canada is due for a big storm soon, right!? I'll be busy doing my snow-dance for the rest of the day. Only 16 days until Christmas!


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