Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Where in the World...?

Since we have been dragging out making a decision about our next stop, and all I seem to blog about is our next mystery stop, I am thinking I should turn this into a game. Matt Lauer is doing it as we speak. Carmen Sandiego was a huge hit. People are still wondering where she is. Where in the World are the Myers? Kinda catchy.

To be honest, there is not too much to blog about these days. Dan's working and studying. I am doing the usual menuing, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, running, laundry. Our daily routines. Simple enough. At night we discuss places we may live in January. We look at the pros and cons. We sleep on it. Repeat.

I think I may not even tell my parents where we are going and just have them drop us off at the airport. We will get on our flight and send out pictures. Y'all can guess a prize? I have no idea. Maybe we will send a postcard. Who knows, maybe a tv crew will unveil our location each time. The details are still shaky.....shocking, I know.

Glad I could talk out this idea with you. The ball is rolling. I may just go with it. Who knows. But for now, nothing is new. Our location options have only increased...the opposite of where we started. We are just going about our daily lives and hoping someone or something will make this decision for us.

We are having some excitement next week....Thanksgiving! I know, everyone is having that, but this is the first year I am cooking the turkey and we are on our own. Our little Canadian family of US people will be celebrating on a typical Canadian Thursday in our apartment. Laura and I planned the menu today and I am excited to begin the festivities. I'll blog some of the recipes out before the holidays in case you're in need of some last minute ideas.

Hope everyone is having a great week.


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