Monday, November 14, 2011

60 Years and Counting

This past weekend Dan & I went to Peckville, PA to visit my grandparents for their 60th wedding anniversary. The entire Cordelli family was there and it is the first time in forever we were all in one place together. We all actually can't remember the last time, it's been that long.

My grandparents anniversary is actually December 28th, but since it was Veterans weekend and we all couldn't make it at the holidays, we picked this weekend to surprise them. It was an amazing time and my Grampy was very very surprised.

Thursday afternoon my parents and sister arrived in Scranton first. They told Grampy it was a Veterans day visit. Then Friday afternoon Dan and I arrived. Shortly after us the Reilly's arrived. Then the Virginia Cordelli's arrived. Then the Florida Cordelli' was a day or two of rolling surprises for Grampy and his reaction to each arrival was more priceless than the one before. After church on Saturday night we gave them replica flowers from their wedding that my Aunt Teresa ordered, and dinner included a cake that was the same as their wedding cake.

We did all of the usual Scranton things....eating, watching football, telling stories, eating, catching up, church, more eating....but this time was different than any time before. We are all a bit older now and my cousins and I have a better relationship now that we all have grown into our own and can appreciate family more.

For example, my cousin Bruce Anthony is a sophomore at NC State. Last year we lived 20 mins from his dorm so he came by to do laundry, escape dorm living, eat a meal, relax, etc. It was a great year for us and I loved having him so close. This year one of the things I miss the most about not living in the States is that we don't get to see Bruce at all. So this weekend was a nice time to hang out with everyone.

To me this weekend meant a lot. It was wonderful to be able to show Dan my Peckville family and relive many childhood memories. He got to see my Dad's family in their element and finally realized why I over obsess if there is enough food for guests :) I am turning into my Grammy. But this weekend also had a lot of love. 60 years is as close to forever as I have witnessed. I am certain there have been plenty of trying times and many more happy ones throughout their marriage, but my grandparents have stuck with each other. It gives me a lot of hope to see what great examples I have to follow.

Hope everyone had a great weekend as well. More fun blogs to come throughout this week. We are in our last month here in Toronto. Should be a great 4 weeks!

Until tomorrow...xo

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