Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It doesn't look like much...and it wasn't more than a hour of flurries...but we had our first snowfall today! I was so excited when I looked out the window and saw those tiny white flakes falling from the sky. I mean its Canada...isn't it supposed to be snowing here all of the time?

The snow in this picture melted after about an hour and the weather looks to be warm-ish the rest of the week, but it was real snow! Even this little bit of snow put me in the holiday spirit and made me excited for this last month here in Toronto.

We have less than one month left. I can NOT believe that this stay is almost over. We are on the downhill slide and packing seems to be an activity that is quickly creeping up on me. There is still no decision on our plans after the holidays...we still have time :)

Things are busy here with Dan. His test for the CFA is on Saturday morning so he is studying and working. I have been spending time with Laura- we went and saw Twilight yesterday and got coffee. It will be weird not having her in January to hang out with. Hopefully we will be close or at least on the same continent so we can maybe fit in a fun trip.

Hope everyone is having a great week! Only 25 days until Christmas!


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