Monday, November 28, 2011

A Dose of Reality

So today was back to work and real life for everyone post holiday weekend. Things are back to normal here too. Dan is busy studying for his test that is this Saturday and working. I have been trying to get this house back to normal after the long weekend of food, friends and football.

Since we had so much time off this weekend it's given me a chance to catch up on some shows I missed and today gave me a new round of information that I just had to blog about. So here is a post with lots of little thoughts on things in the world- Reality TV, sports, politics, etc-  right now....

-I saw an episode of Sister Wives while I was on the treadmill yesterday. Kody has a two seater Lexus convertible. He called it his 5th wife and baby. Really!? I think a 2 seater car is impractical for Dan and I...I am struggling to find a word to describe how weird it is that a guy with 4 wives and 18 kids has a two seater luxury car. Literally out of words.

-We watched the premier episode of Kim and Kourtney Take New York last night during half time of the Steelers game. So many thoughts there. But let me break a few of them down one by one:
  • Kortney really thought the best play area for the baby was upstairs outside Kim's room when the bedrooms were downstairs? She had enough room to do naked yoga downstairs but Mason couldn't play with his wooden toys there? Was Kortney trying to drive Kris away? Curious...
  • Kris really thinks he is a star. And in the NBA he may be, but just having a name that starts with a 'K' does not make you a star in the Kardashian family. I am starting to wonder if he really hadn't even seen an episode of the Kardashian show. I mean he didn't know Kim was married before and didn't know she was a neat freak work-a-holic? Everyone else in the world did. Guess Minnesota doesn't get E! Or this whole thing was a set up for us to waste 72 hours of our lives caring about a sham marriage.
  • Kortney is krazy. No other thoughts there. Scott may be an alcoholic, but he can do better. And how are they not sleeping in the same room? Break up already. Oil enemas, naked yoga, no sex....Krazy.
  • They lived in a hotel for 8 weeks. We didn't see a single staff member unpack for them or clean up after them. This show is clearly a wee bit more scripted than I was willing to believe.
  • Khloe is clearly the normal one....for this week. Her marriage seems real, she is out of this show minus a guest appearance in next weeks episode, and her spin off show didn't make her look nearly this nuts. Winner of the week: Khloe.
So many other thoughts- these are the tame ones- but the next 7 episodes should be entertaining to say the least. It is a little sad to me still that we are watching a marriage- real or fake I still don't know- fall apart on Sunday nights. But I am clearly not sad enough to not stay up and watch it!

-Urban Meyer is the new head coach at Ohio State. Not new to the lying game though so he should fit right in in Columbus. He's really a piece of work to say the least. Here is a great article I read today by Pat Forde saying it all....

-I received a few emails last week about Ali and Roberto breaking up. I was going to blog about it, but to tell the truth I am not shocked at all that this news is finally out. She has postponed her wedding like 4 times. Really?! Just say you don't want to get married to him. I think Trista and Ryan are the only ones to make it work and that's because she's clearly type-A and didn't want to be the first Bachelorette failed marriage. Mission accomplished. We just don't ever believe in finding true love on TV now that the last 8 have failed. But kudos to making your's work Trista. Now we can all still tune in January 2nd to see if Ben finds love and it lasts...fingers crossed!

-Herman Cain let us know today that a new accuser would be coming forward saying they had a long term relationship. I'm sorry. I actually can't believe I typed that a politician scooped the scoop. He put out a statement before the person could come forward. I guess he thinks that by starting to deny it before it's even been accused he can win this round.

This only makes me wonder if he was vetted? Does he have a staff or any single person who he pays to help him make decisions? This was the best decision they could come up with? I am sure the conversation went something like, "Hey, Bill Clinton lied for months/years after being accused. Maybe I should deny the truth/lie about it before I am accused (for the 4th time). Then everyone will just be confused and I will look honest. They will obviously forget about the 3 women who have already accused me of sexual harassment and see that I am telling the truth now. Genius!" This is the mind of a potential presidential candidate...perfect.

-The Syracuse news isn't looking any better on this Monday. In fact, the taped phone call that was released over the holidays is now raising more questions than answers. I would be shocked if this tape was tampered with. But I am also shocked that ESPN had it for 8 years. It is baffling to me the lengths people go to for money or to keep making money. Scary world when you can't trust people.

That may be the most random string of thoughts ever, but I had to share them. I clearly have had a lot of down time this weekend! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. Time to turn on Christmas songs and do some shopping before Cyber Monday ends.

 Until later....xo

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