Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Roundup

Goodbye, Rege!

It's a really nice day here in Toronto- cold but very sunny! It feels like a Friday for me which isn't usual since our schedule is so backwards. But I am looking forward to a great weekend and the festivities of next week.

Last night we went over to Laura and Mike's for dinner and to hang out/play Wii games. She finally tricked us into eating tofu! We had no idea. She said in the beginning of us hanging out that one day she may just surprise us with it in a dish, but I thought I would be able to tell. She made "Juicy Lucy" burgers- they are burger patties with some cheese inside, topped with avocado and sweet potato spears. It was delish. We knew the burger itself wasn't meat, but it tasted and looked like its main ingredient was chickpeas, not tofu. But Dan & I both ate it and enjoyed the dish. Not sure I am going to be working any tofu into our menu quite yet :)

Today I was up early and ready to watch Regis' last day on Live with Regis and Kelly. I made homemade bagels while catching up on the news before the show started. In college, my roomate Megan and I were lucky enough to attend a taping of Regis & Kelly when they filmed at Notre Dame. He donated money to the new (well, new in 2004) Performing Arts Center to have a theater with his name. They sent Martin Short to campus for a satellite show...I am pretty positive Regis was there too, but he may have been still in NY with Kelly via satellite. Regardless, it was a funny show and we had a great time. I can't believe he is not going to be on every morning anymore! First Oprah, now Regis!

So the goodbye show was great this morning and I finished up my Thanksgiving shopping list while watching! Laura and I are going to the farmers market tomorrow morning early to get some of the fresh eggs and sausages and items we need for Thanksgiving. I'm pretty excited for our morning coffee date and definitely getting into the holiday spirit.

Speaking of coffee...most of y'all know I do not drink coffee at all. Never have. Diet Coke is my caffeine of choice. Well, Laura has been trying to get me to try coffee so she has someone to go and get coffee with. I gave in on Monday and had a skinny iced vanilla latte from Starbucks. Crack. That stuff is addicting. I am now loving coffee. I found a great recipe online to make your own iced coffee at home, so I am currently steeping the ground coffee and will let you know how it turns out. Fingers crossed!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Some fun plans for us here- Sunday is Christmas Movie day with Mike, Laura and Ben. We are really trying to get into holiday mode around here...maybe another way to keep us from making any moving decisions! :)

Enjoy the weekend and Go Irish!


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