Monday, October 17, 2011

Tour d' USA

So I know you all thought this day would never come....the day I actually, finally, at last sat down and blogged. Today, my friends, is the day. Here is is...the first blog post in something like 20 or so days. But we are back (finally) in Canada after the most amazing 20 day trip around the US.

In our 20 day trek we made it through 11 states (some more than one time), 56 hours in the car driving, and 6 different places to rest our sleepy heads at night. The amount of Diet Coke, sugar-free Red Bull, and gas consumed over these 20 days is unknown. Definitely too much to count! But being able to see almost all of our amazing friends, our families, two weddings, a birthday, an actual birth day for Baby Charlie, and time in the USA made it all worth-while.

Dan and I are definitely blessed to have such wonderful friends and families! We can't thank you all enough for your hospitality, open arms, tasty meals, well-wishes, prayers, and hugs. This trip and your company was exactly what we needed to get through the rest of our time here in Canada.

I will definitely have blogs throughout the week detailing all of the fun things we did while we were in the States. I apparently brought a bit of the States with me back to Toronto in the form of a killer cold. So I am off to sleep and quarantine Dan so he doesn't get this :(

Hope everyone had a great weekend. It's USC week for the Irish and we are already getting amped up for the game!

Until tomorrow...xox

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