Monday, September 26, 2011


I know I am a little late to jump on this bandwagon, but Pinterest is amazing. Safe to say, this is my newest addiction. Last month it was food blogs. This month it's looking at any type of food/craft/house/outfit on Pinterest.

The way I know this addiction is going to be hard to break is that I am now using it in sentences in regular conversations. For example, as I was scanning one of my favorite food blogs, I came across a great recipe for fall, and I actually said to myself, "oh, that's pinteresting." Like good enough to pin it to my food board. (And if you don't count good convos with yourself as a regular conversation, we/I may have a problem...pretty regular for me.)

When Facebook came out, people started throwing it around as a verb like, "awesome, I'll Facebook you." Yep, that's me with Pinterest (...and Facebook. I really need to work on cutting down on the obsessions...and/or slang.) I can honestly say I don't really get it- I mean I get that they are 'dream boards' or places to keep all of your ideas or recipes instead of bookmarking them. But how am I wasting this much time of my life doing this?! It happened out of nowhere. How do I make it stop!? Better yet, how did they come up with this idea?! Why didn't I!???!!!!

Clearly I am a woman of few things. My pinterest boards are titled: "Foood," "'sserts," "Crafty," and "For the Home." Two of these boards are things I don't have/can't do...House and Crafty. They consist of cutesy things for my home and DIY projects that look fun for my home. Obviously, I am forgetting we kinda don't have our home right now, so that board is on temporary-to-permanent wishlist mode. Maybe I'll outgrow my crafty stage before we get back in the's hoping. 

Since there is no reason to have boards pertaining to something I don't own, I decided to stop looking at the pictures of food and actually make a food board. Tons of great recipes and ideas are all over the internet, but who really wants to come up with their own idea and search for it when you can look at other people's already found ideas and 'borrow' them? Loving all of the new dishes I can test out. Google Search Bar, it was nice knowing you, but I think I've upgraded. :)

Maybe a travel board is next in my line of masterpieces. Since we are traveling, I may just start pinning places or things I want to see in other countries. On-the-spot idea...I like it. And after really taking a look at my boards, it is beginning to be clear that I need an exercise board...or to exercise while on Pinterest. One of those is necessary. Let's be honest...the exercise board is much more likely.

I seriously don't know how just in this weekend I have managed to envelope myself in Pinterest...and add it to my vocab...but I love it. If you haven't tried it. Trust me you won't regret it. It's like putting all of your wants or ideas into one place. Amazing.

Off to pin...I mean make Dan's dinner. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Perfect Post! It was pininteresting!!!You need something (think sock monkey, or something) to put in every pin-travel-picture! i have to figure out how to follow you as your post and pin thru the day!
