Thursday, October 20, 2011

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage....

And we all know how this singy-songy phrase ends. No, no babies for us right now. Don't get all excited. But this phrase is the prefect summary to our trip in the States. We saw the people we love most in each of these stages.

During our time visiting everyone, Dan and I realized how we have the best group(s) of friends ever. We are so lucky to know so many smart, talented, successful, beautiful, funny, caring people. I could go on. 

Since we haven't seen many of our friends in over 2 years at our wedding, it was great to catch up with them and hear all about their lives in the big cities. We were also lucky enough to meet their new significant others. The best part was getting to see our friends so happy and in love- in their own little bubble! Can't wait for their weddings down the road! Next summer? :) Also, in a post visit development, a big congrats to my sweet friend from high school Alexis Jenkins on her engagement this week!

The next stage is the wedding. One main reason we ended up in Toronto for these 6 months instead of Europe or anywhere in the world is that we had these two weddings to attend and Toronto is close enough for us to drive back to the States. This 20 day trip around the US was planned completely around these 2 weddings. We were so so happy to be included and invited to witness our great friends big days!

The first wedding was in St. Louis, MO for Cate and Anthony. It was a fab country club wedding on a gorgeous fall weekend. We had an amazing time- Dan, Anthony and Matt even ended up singing Mo Money, Mo Problems like they did at our wedding reception. It was so fun to have a great weekend with our friends dancing and celebrating!

The second wedding was in South Bend, IN over my birthday weekend. We rented a house with 8 other people right near campus and had a great time hanging out and re-living college. The wedding was at the Basilica on campus. It was a perfect fall day and the campus looked amazing. We were shocked at how much we didn't recognize around campus with all of the changes over the last two years! It's a new town!

The last step in this nursery rhyme is the baby in the baby carriage. During our stay in Pittsburgh we were lucky enough to have dinner with Teddy and Jacquie- our best friends from North Carolina who are from Pittsburgh and recently moved back there. When we last saw them in Raleigh, they were expecting a baby boy on October 7th. When we arrived in Pittsburgh he was comfortable where he had been the last 10 months with no sign of appearing. After many appointments that week, Jacquie found out that Baby D would be making his debut on Friday, October 14th in the morning. So the four of us had dinner Thursday night shocked that in less than 10 hours they would be parents!

And right on the doctors-scheduled time, Charles Theodore Demianczyk was born! He is adorable and I can't wait to love on him at Christmas time!

Congratulations to all of our amazing friends. We love y'all and can't thank you enough for being part of our lives, supporting us, and welcoming us back to the group after we disappear :) 

We can't wait for the next live changing event that brings us all together again.

Until then...xoxox

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