Monday, August 1, 2011

Menu Making

Happy August! I can't believe it's already here. The first month in Toronto has flown by and we still have so much we want to see & do here. We are also hard at work planning our next stop which will be here before we know it! (Side note- Happy Birthday to my sister Kelly and cousin Bruce Anthony!)

But it's Monday...and a Civic Holiday here in Canada so everyone is off work. I am in my Monday routine of making a menu for the week.

St. Lawrence Market has the best prices on fresh meat in the city. Like $ 4.59 per lb. for fresh HUGE chicken breasts. So I can't bring myself to buy meat at the grocery store for their prices. Problem is, the market is closed on Sunday and Monday, so I spend my Mondays making a menu for the week so I can get all the main dish ingredients we need for the week when I shop on Tuesdays. Without this menu, I am forced to be pretty creative with meatless dishes and left over ingredients to get through Sundays and Mondays.

Positive Side: Monday mornings are probably my favorite part of the week: menu making. I love writing down all of our days and dinner ideas with side dishes and deals. Dan is also super helpful in this process which makes it even easier.

Since I have food on the brain and today is a pretty low key day for us, here are some pictures of a dinner I made last week: grilled shrimps, potatoes and onions and corn on the cob.

These are ideas/recipes I got from my mom and aunt. The shrimps have the shells on and I sprinkled them with a dry bbq spice. Once they are coated heavily, put a few butter slices on top. Cover the aluminum disposable pan with foil.

To prep the potatoes, wash and cut them into quarters. Chop up an onion. Place all ingredients into another disposable aluminum pan and drizzle with olive oil. I also added some salt and pepper to the mix. Cover with foil and head out to the grill.

Before you prep the food, heat up the grill to medium. Once the food is ready, place the potato pan on first. These take a little longer than the shrimps. I cooked them for 10 minutes then stirred them up and cooked for 10 more since we like the potatoes a little brown. After those 20 mins, I added the shrimp pan to the mix. After about 5 minutes I stirred the shrimp and removed the foil from the shrimp for the last 3 to 5 minutes. Easiest dishes to make, great flavors, and almost zero clean up.

These dishes can also be prepared the same way but by using the oven. Your choice.

On a different note, Saturday night Dan and I went out to a bar with Laura and Mike. They wanted to go dance and we were up for a night out. The bar itself was cute. It was in little Italy- a very cute part of town I am excited to go back and explore more. We had a good time- even though we didn't dance due to the rap only music...long story- but it was a nice to be out on a weekend like we were back in college.

Hope everyone has a great Monday. I'm off to continue menu-ing.

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