Monday, August 15, 2011


I really have no idea how I began thinking about challenges this past week, but the word has been floating around in my head for a few days now. With the quiet routine we have settled into, I have been trying to think through my challenges and the different sides to them.

These last 4 and 1/2 months have been challenging for Dan and I to say the least. Everyone is faced with a challenge of some sort daily. While our challenge has been trying at times, it has also been a very positive and rewarding challenge. Don't get me wrong, there have definitely been pits, but I am realizing the peaks are outweighing those pits if I think about it in the right way.

The first year of marriage is always a challenge. All of the combining of lives and living together and joint decisions to make. Who thought deciding where to celebrate Christmas could involve so much talking, planning and bargaining!? Moving obviously has its set of challenges. There are the different customs, logistics, language barriers, lifestyle changes, etc. Life has it's challenges. The hard part is getting through them and finding the silver lining.

Personally, I have enjoyed our move and this year-on-the-go we are planning, but I can't say that I haven't had moments (or days) where I find myself cursing our decision and longing for the life I/we gave up. It is very easy to sit inside and wallow, wishing you had something you don't. However, in the hardest of those times, I have had to remind myself that it is simply a challenge, it is not forever, and there is a plan.

It's during those moments...we try to keep the day-long moods to a minimum :)....that I have to remind myself to stay positive and find the good side of the challenge. Dan has always been a glass half full kind of guy, so it makes it easier to talk it out with him. But I do think trying to find that silver lining or spinning a negative situation around can make everything better.

I don't mean to be all Dr. Phil on y'all today, but with everything going on in the world and all of the challenges people face in their lives, maybe you can start finding the positive in your challenge too. It has definitely helped in the tough times while we are away from the ones we love. Staying on the positive side of the challenge is something I have to work on each day, but it has given me a task to think about and a new mindset to start my day.It is definitely a work in progress for me :)

With all of that out of the way....enjoy the Bachelor Pad 2 tonight! We are trying out a handful of new recipes this week so be on the lookout for some foodie posts and easy dinner ideas right here!

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