Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bachelor Pad 2 Recap: Week 3

The crazy train is picking up steam this week and I can't wait to see where it goes in the next episode! I can bet Vienna and Kasey won't be too happy with the voting this week, even though Jake is gone...I think.

When I was first watching the episode, I was super confused why it cut off like it did. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I was also skyping with my parents so I didn't hear what Chris Harrison said either. I immediately went onto Twitter to see if there was some explanation, and a bunch of people in Canada were saying their show cut off too. So I obviously assumed it was our cable. Today I went back and re-watched the last 15 minutes. Interesting play, ABC. Very bold move.

We are clearly led to believe that Jake is sent home this week. That fact has not been confirmed or denied by anyone yet, so we can only guess. We also didn't get to see what he meant by "taking people down with me" if he was sent home. Kasey and Vienna's reaction is clearly going to be the entire focus of the next episode....yay?

Speaking of V & K...possibly my favorite and least favorite part of the episode was the same scene involving these two. I am sure you can guess that the worst part was the serenading debacle by Kermit, I mean Kasey. He seriously learned nothing from his time on The Bachelorette? The tattoo and now the singing is back!? Check the internet, Kasey, NO ONE liked either move by you. Why are you so intent on torturing us again!?

However, the best part of the episode was Vienna's reaction to the ring box..."I don't want to see an engagement ring!" Oh wow. That's honest. And on T.V. For-Ev-Er. I know they have moved in together and are strong, but if I was Kasey, it probably sucked to re-live that moment again while watching the episode. She doesn't really seem that into the relationship. And judging by Kasey's personal interviews where he called V a "fame-whore more than Jake" and "stupid," it doesn't seem like he's in it for the long run either. Bet Vienna wasn't too happy seeing those interviews. Guess she kinda earned those remarks though   :)

So for some more crazy from this episode....

-Melissa is too emotional for me. She may not be actually crazy though. She was too attached to Blake and getting dumped didn't help that insanity. However, Erica was playing her, and Melissa was right when she said everyone would see she was right on TV. 

-Jake & Erica- first off, gross. Secondly, it's a game move for both sides, but I think Erica likes him more than she let on. But if he is gone from the house, it is hopefully the end of that odd couple. If he's not, expect another crazy girl crying episode.

-Kasey and Vienna- yes, again. More crazy. This whole thing is clearly for TV. The promise ring, the drama, the money and fighting. However, I am kinda annoyed by how they are making Jake out to be. I don't like Jake really at all, but V & K constantly saying that she can't be in the house with Jake if Kasey isn't there. I mean there are cameras everywhere. What could Jake possibly do to Vienna? With all sorts of people around? Do they expect us to believe that Jake at all of 5 foot 7 is going to really attack Vienna? Wow. And they clearly don't realize that they are making some pretty bold statements and insinuations that will never go away. Hopefully, they aren't saying this for attention and it is true for their sake. For Jake's sake, I hope they are lying. But it's messy either way.

-I am very interested to see how the show plays out if Jake really is gone. Clearly people will watch this coming episode for the drama, but past that it remains to be seen. Who will step up and take down Kasey and Vienna? Could get interesting...or Kasey and Vienna could just cruise to the finals. Boring.

-Can't believe it has been such a long post and I have yet to mention Brett Michaels. For a second I couldn't remember if I was watching the Bachelor Pad or Rock of Love. Clearly he doesn't think his comeback should be over quite yet. And is this really his only song? Wait, I shouldn't be so hard on old Brett. He's only trying to entertain. Or pick up Holly. It was hard to tell.

-The Holly and Michael story can only end badly. It's hard to watch. They are a cute couple but need to figure a lot out. First step, stop going on dates together! Seriously. Stop it.

In a followup to some information I gave yall last week, Ames and Jackie have broken up. He actually dumped her before their episode even aired. She has said she "had the rug pulled out from under her." Jackie thought maybe he was going to be the new bachelor, but alas, that is not true. It was leaked/announced today that Ben Flajnik is the new Bachelor. Guess things didn't work out with Jennifer Love-Hewitt.

Soooooo that was a long recap of the most addicting/worst reality show on TV. I can't look away. It's sad, I know. Next week you can find the episode 4 recap right here. It should be a good one :)


  1. i am totally following your bach pad updates :) can we talk about graham/michelle? love them!

    can't wait to see you in oct!

  2. Hillary- I totally forgot that I didn't include Michelle and Graham. I meant to! They are so cute. I hope that one works out. Can't wait to see you soon!

  3. K2 - Do you really think Jake will be kicked off? I feel like ABC really wanted him on the show for the Vienna/Kasey drama as long as possible and would somehow save him. And I agree about Kasey singing - I pretty much had to leave the room it was that uncomfortable:( And so sad about Ames and Jackie!! But I do L-O-V-E all of the drama!

  4. Kristy- I agree with your point. I think ABC wants that trio on til the end, but it's either Jake or Kasey. One of them has to go home. It would definitely be better for ratings if they sent Kasey home. Either way I am excited for Monday's new episode.
