Thursday, August 25, 2011


After spending so much time last week thinking about challenges, both good and bad, I have found myself focusing on the lessons I am or should be learning from these challenges and experiences.

Each challenge that we face, or even good experience we have, teaches us a lesson. Sometimes we realize it during the moment, but most often it's not until after that moment has passed that we are able to see the meaning behind the moment. Again, like the challenges can be good or bad, so can the lesson.

Since Dan and I were faced with our big decision in April, I have been struggling to find the lesson in our challenge. I found a positive spin on the challenge- we get to see the world if we want. I have definitely found the negatives in this challenge...those are easy. But it seems like there is a lesson or two from this I should be seeing and taking in. Hmmm. Not really seeing them that often.

There is a book that a two of my most favorite yoga teachers have been using and reading from. I have found the passages they read very helpful at odd times. Sometimes a passage would stick with me for a while and I couldn't get it out of my head. So recently I broke down and bought the book. It is called Journey to the Heart and has daily thoughts or meditations. I am not a huge meditation person at all, but I have to admit it has been nice to read the passage each day and think about how it applies to me.

The point of the book is that yesterday the reading was about lessons. How appropriate :) It talks about how the lesson is ours to learn and that we need to stop focusing on what the lesson is and just let it reveal itself to us in time.

Lately Dan and I have been taught a few lessons and faced a few challenges. I am trying to keep/find the positive in these challenges or at least find a positive lesson. It is definitely easier said than done sometimes. But it's worth a try. So today or this week as you face challenges, remember that there is a lesson there. Sometimes they are meant to make us stronger, more appreciative, or to humble us or remind us of something.

Our lesson this week with our challenge is that life and work may not always be easy, rewarding, or as fun as we want it to be, but being able to do the job you love or life the life you want is a decision you made. Enjoy the good and rewarding times because you will be able to better appreciate the hard times. The balance in life is better in the long run.

We're definitely still a work in progress :) Hopefully we can continue to find the lessons in our challenges and move forward.

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