Friday, July 15, 2011

Pool Day 

Today, Laura and I went to the community pool near my house for a few hours. Ok, it didn't look exactly like the picture above, but close :)  We both really wanted to spend time outside of our apartments and enjoy a little summer weather. This weekend in Toronto, and all across Canada, it is going to be HOT (by hot it means close to 90.) So today was the perfect day to soak up some sun. 

Dan is still hard at work and keeping me updated on all of the World Series of Poker news. Seems to be going well out in Vegas! We are trying to keep up to date on some of our friends out there who we think made it to the money this afternoon! I'm still sad for Dan that we aren't out there this year, but c'est la vie. There is always next year. 

Quiet night in tonight for us. A little leftovers and the series finale of Friday Night Lights! So sad to see this show go. Dan and I love love love watching it on a relaxing Friday night! 

We are getting excited to see Harry Potter too, but we are going to wait a few days and maybe see it during the week near the St. Lawrence Market to avoid some of the crowds. We may have the have some HP movie re-watches to catch back up and be prepared for the finale. 

Sorry to be boring again today. We really are just settled in and a 'boring old couple." :) We really appreciate all of the facebook comments, emails, calls and reassuring messages from everyone. We are trying to remember to enjoy every minute of this journey and take in each moment. Your support and love has been so helpful and makes me feel better every day!

Until tomorrow...xo

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