Thursday, July 14, 2011

Canadian Cookout

Sorry for not posting earlier, but we had friends over for dinner tonight. Also, there is really not too much to report from today. We had a pretty quiet day all around. Dan and I strolled around town and found place to get his hair cut this morning. This afternoon he worked, and I prepped dinner for our cookout with Mike and Laura. Tonight we had a great meal and just hung out.

For dinner we grilled out hamburgers. I made Aunt Laura's summer salad, Mom's corn on the cob, and Grandmother's cookies & cream dessert. Here are some pictures:

Jalapeno Corn on the Cob

Avocado, Onion & Orange Salad

Mike's enthused about the burgers!

Nothing too crazy! :) I am still a bit homesick and adjusting to the quiet life here. Not homesick like I miss NC, but homesick for the purpose of a job and familiar places and things. But it's getting better each day.

For those that are worried about Dan- don't be. Below is a hand history from today where Dan got the other guy to put all his money in with only a King and a 2. There are still plenty of bad players out there!

Until tomorrow...xo

Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 5 Players - Hand History Converter

UTG: 100 BB

CO: 63.70 BB

BTN: 376.60 BB

Hero (SB): 210.80 BB

BB: 108.80 BB

Pre-Flop: Q Q dealt to Hero (SB)

2 folds, BTN raises to 3BB, Hero raises to 10BB, BB folds, BTN raises to 25BB, Hero raises to 56.5BB, BTN raises to 92BB, Hero raises to 210.3BB and is All-In, BTN calls 118.8BB

Flop: (422.6BB) 4 J A (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

Turn: (422.6BB) 2 (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

River: (422.6BB) 7 (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

Results: 422.6BB Pot (4BB Rake)

BTN showed 2 K and LOST (-210.8BB NET)

Hero showed Q Q and WON 418.6BB (+208.3BB NET)

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