Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Day, New Me!

First off, I apologize for not blogging yesterday. I needed a 'me' day. My frame of mind wasn't anything anyone should have had to read about. But today is a new day...and a new me!

Before we moved to Toronto, someone said to me, "If you are bored in Toronto, it's your own fault." This morning I woke up with that saying bouncing around my head. I decided to make a permanent change and enjoy every day here because it's a new chance to see this great city.

Laura and I decided to try a yoga studio out today at noon. It's a hot yoga, similar to Bikram, but a little different. We made a date for the noon class, and it was the perfect way to start my day. The studio is a little ways away from our house. Instead of driving, I decided to use the subway and walk to the studio to avoid the parking situation. I loaded up my Ipod with new music and started out early this morning.

The subway took me about half way to the studio, and instead of switching lines and taking another subway car closer to the studio, I walked about a mile and a half to Moksha Yoga. It was a beautiful day outside- albeit very 97 today- but the walk was just what I needed. I roamed through the "Fashion District" all the way to the studio.

After a great yoga class, I had plans to walk about 2 miles to the St. Lawrence Market for fresh chicken at the best prices in town. Laura wanted to hang out some after class so I rode with her to the market and we hung out in a corner Starbucks and chatted. It is really truly a blessing to have someone here who is in the same boat and understands the 'funk' and what each day is like here. I'd be lost here without a partner to explore with while Dan is working.

After our break I went to the market, shopped around, and took the subway home. It was the perfect day! My music was happy, I had a new bounce in my step and I am determined to keep the 'funk' at bay from here on out.

We have yoga again tomorrow too! We have decided to yoga hop around town. We are going to do the introductory deals at different studios around town. Moksha offered 10 days unlimited for $20. A Bikram yoga studio near my house is 30 days $30. This was we see all sorts of studios, meet new people, and don't have to love one studio or way for the entire time here. Plus, it's a lot of great deals :)

In a side note, on the way to yoga I saw this restaurant:

New name for Sweet Lou?   Lou Dawg Myers...It's catchy!!! :)

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! We miss everyone!


  1. Like the Name....we'll add it to our obit list!

  2. oh katie, what a great outlook! New Day - New Way... Thinking of you, Aunt D
