Thursday, July 21, 2011

Celeb Sighting- Sports Edition day, another celebrity. Well, it's not like I've seen that many, but today is my perfect sighting! This morning as I was walking to catch the subway to go to yoga class I ran into Sidney Crosby- a star hockey player for the Pittsburgh Penguins. 

Before I met Dan I knew zilch about hockey. But for girls who don't know anything about a sport, it's not that difficult to pick a team to root for. When you're young, you cheer for the team your parents like or the one with the best colors. The outcome of the games generally only dictate if the 'rents are in a good mood for the rest of the weekend. 

When you get older, you pick your team based on who has the cute player or the player that is dating/married to a celebrity.

Since Dan loves hockey and we spend a good amount of time watching the Penguins, it seemed logical to cheer for the Penguins. When they win, we both are happy with the results. Fair enough.  Of course, I had to then pick my favorite player. I am in luck b/c the cute one on the team also happens to be a kid-phenom- before he got a massive concussion, which is a major side note. And as chance would have it, he is Canadian. 

So scoring a Sid the Kid sighting was my ultimate Canadian sports spot. I immediately called Dan and woke him up with my exciting news. No, I didn't say anything to Sid or even get a picture, but he had just come from working out and his trainer was with him. So I tried to play it cool. Tomorrow morning I may just have to run around the University of Toronto Varsity Field where I think he is working out and scope it out again. :)

In other exciting news, my sister-in-law Sarah, was on the balcony of the New York Stock Exchange ringing the closing bell with her company Post Properties. Very exciting day and I hope she enjoyed it. Here is a screen shot:

Sarah is second to the right of the man with the gavel. Blonde in a v-neck black shirt.

That seems like a lot for today. Hope everyone had a great Thursday. Tomorrow is finally Friday! Stay safe in all of this heat. It's near the 100 degree mark here in Canada! Too hot!

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