Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Driving is Dangerous!

Driving in Toronto is scary. Sort of like a test to see if you have enough patience and talent to survive. I am afraid I do not.

My days of driving in this city are o-v-e-r. Lea the Kia has taken a beating here, due to my parking talents, or lack there of, in, tiny spaces.

Yesterday I was driving to a coffee shop to meet Laura after yoga and it was straight out of one of those driver's ed movies "How You Shouldn't Drive." To preface this post- it is not that I am a bad driver- it's that this place makes driving a death defying stunt.

Toronto is completely filled with construction- on the roads, every building and sidewalk, and every other intersection. Construction everywhere. So the GPS is only a little help in getting somewhere since close to 30% of the intersections are closed down on any given day. Plus there are trolly cars. Trolleys on tracks with drivers that may or may not be licensed. Scary situation. And lastly, add in bikers. They clearly have a death wish.

I am sure this doesn't sound all that crazy if you live in Chicago or NYC or Boston, but for a girl who has only lived in city's where cars are necessary to get anywhere and the pace is a bit slower, this is mayhem.

My break from driving started yesterday when I was lost for over an hour in standstill traffic in the wrong part of town. I subsequently was "pulled over," more like the cop who was driving the opposite direction stopped his car, got out and rapped on my window to yell at me for talking on my cell phone. Luckily I got away with only a warning thanks to my "I'm from the States" excuse.

This morning I also may have accidentally removed a portion of the paint on the back door while trying to avoid hitting the Porsche in the parking garage. Between the luxury cars, cement poles, and my lack of parking expertise, I may have had my driving privileges revoked :(

So I am walking. Taking the subway and walking. I am happy with it. It suits my needs. I never have to carry too much home from the store. I can enjoy the weather and the people. I can sight-see on my walks...and best of all, I don't have to pay for parking.

Gone are the days where I drive all the time and Dan sits shotgun. This girl is walking no matter what the weather least until it's cold :) Then it's every man for himself on the icy roads. See, dangerous!

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