Monday, July 25, 2011

Buddy Dog

Sad day parents had to put down their black lab Buddy this morning. He was very sick with tumors on his lungs etc. He was the best dog ever and a great part of the family. I miss him already!

Family picture Christmad 2010 with Buddy

It's days like today I really miss home and my family. My mom rescued Buddy and gave him a second chance. Our dog, Molly, had gotten lost when they moved into their new house, and my mom saw Buddy on a flyer in the neighborhood and went to see if it was really Molly. When it turned out not to be her dog, my mom was going to leave, but the lady said she would have to take him to the pound the next day if no one wanted him. So the rest is history. My mom-with her huge heart- couldn't let this sweet dog be alone.

He was probably 6 or 7 when my mom got him, but he was playful and loving. He used to do this thing when he wanted you to pet him- he would walk over to you and put him nose on your leg and lift your hand up to the top of his head so you would love on him. His favorite things were riding in the car, petting, and going on walks with Harry Winston.

I really wish I could be home today with my parents since I know how hard today was for them. It was not a planned thing and we didn't know he was sick. He had seen a doctor a week or so ago for a cough, but they said it was just 'kennel cough' and gave him medicine. When he wasn't any better yesterday, my parents made the decision to take him back to the doc this morning to get him well.

Dogs are a funny creature. Harry Winston- Kelly's dog- loves to sleep in the bed; however, for the last week he has been sleeping on the floor in the room with Buddy. It's almost like he knew how sick Buddy was when we didn't. And when Dan and I went to Memphis before moving to Toronto, we thought Buddy had lost some weight, but he was loving and fun the whole time we were there, never letting us know that he was in pain. It was a great last trip home to see him. It's like he didn't want us to remember him as being sick.

Sorry for the sad post today, but it's a sad moment for me. I know Buddy is in a better place and feels better, but it's hard knowing that when we go home he won't be there. It's also very hard knowing what my parents are going through today. But tomorrow is another day, and we all remember the great days with Buddy.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about Buddy....he looks like he was smiling in the Christmas picture!
