Monday, January 30, 2012

Fiesta Friday

 Since all 5 of us live together and see each other 24/7, the excitement of going out and meeting up for dinner or drinks or hanging out has lost its appeal. Laura and I were both planning to cook Mexican food Friday night so we decided to make it a roommate fiesta....tequila and all.

We decided to make some margaritas, but since we don't have the Kennell's Vitamix (most amazing blender ever) we did our normal recipe by hand....well, Laura did it. I accidentally cut my thumb while chopping veggies for dinner. So much blood & drama over a hunk of thumb :) . So Laura and Mike juiced a bag of oranges and limes and we were set.

All in all it was a fun night. It was nice to all hang out together intentionally and have a normal night "out" as if we didn't live together. We are thinking about planning theme nights for the next 4 weeks we are here. Should be fun.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I will post tomorrow about our day trip to Mdina for some sightseeing.

Until tomorrow...xo

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