Friday, January 6, 2012

And We're Back.....

View from our Balcony

I wanted to put down a quick note that we are officially in Malta! We arrived on January 1st around midnight and have spent our first week recovering from our 30 + hours of travel,  adjusting to the time change, finding a grocery store, and getting settled in as a house of 5 instead of 2.

We are living with 3 other people- a married couple and a single guy- all are our friends from Toronto...and it has been a fun experience so far. It's nice to have someone/others around even if Dan is working and Laura and I have been making our dinners at the same time so cooking isn't so lonely.

Next week we will be out exploring the island much more. We are one week down and only 7 left to live it up here. I think tonight we made head next door and watch karaoke night at the sports bar. Should be interesting...

I promise to post pictures of our hours in Paris, Malta, and our house. Dan and I received a video camera from my parents so there may even be some video tours and blogs in the near future :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Enjoy the first part of 2012! We had a great time spending the holidays with both of our families and were so happy to be able to see so many of y'all.

We will try to post as much as possible while we are in Malta, but every day may not happen. Just keep an eye out for new stories from our world adventure. We miss y'all back in the States!

Until later...


1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful there!! I hope yall are liking it! Do they speak any English? I guess yall might be on our time zone...or close to it. We are 8 hours ahead of Central time. I feel your pain on the time change. We left Memphis on the 2nd to come back. Stanley went to bed at 1 am last night, and Charlie (and me) went to bed at 3:30...EEK! Hope yall are having a blast!
