Thursday, January 12, 2012

2nd Week Slump

Random orange tree on the side of the road

So if our first week was all about settling in, our second week can seriously be defined as our 'slump' week. We are so settled in that we are having a hard time leaving too much and venturing out. We keep trying to tell ourselves it is delayed time-zone adjustment to explain away our lazy as tiredness. It's definitely a slump.

Not too terribly much to report today. We have been cooking, grocery shopping, and reading during the day on our "vacation" balcony. I think Laura is determined to have a tan by the end of the week. We have also been doing our workouts and the boys are working. Boring boring boring.

The boys have really enjoyed this living together thing I think since they keep staying up together at night working, talking poker, and helping each other out going over hands from the day. I know it has been really nice for Dan to have people to talk with that think about poker the same way he does.

Since it is already Thursday...we have no idea where the week went...we have decided to plan a few activities for the weekend to get us out of our slump and head into week 3 on a good note. Tomorrow we are dragging the boys away from their computers and we are going to have a good old fashioned Friday night out on the town. We are headed to Paceville (pronounced Pach-e-ville) where all of the bars and clubs are open until 5 am. We will not be out until 5 am. Let's not get crazy. But a few drinks and dancing never hurt anyone.

Sunday morning we are going to go to the southern part of the island and check out the local fish market. They are only open until noon, but apparently the fresh fish is all brought in that day and sold in the morning there. Plus, we hear they have authentic fish and chips there for lunch so we are going to try it out. Hopefully we find some great looking fish for our Sunday family dinner :)

I hope everyone had a great week at work. It's almost the weekend! I will post about our outings this weekend and have some fun new stuff for next week.

Until tomorrow...xo

1 comment:

  1. slump weeks can be good for the soul, refreshing if you relax and just go with it...cold as ice here today...even got a little snow...Tell Laura thanks for posting pictures of you and dan and her and mike. question of the Khloe really a k girl?????
