Saturday, November 5, 2011

Niagara Falls Visit

 So we obviously went to the Falls on Thursday as planned. It was a really fun day trip actually. We left a little late into the morning and drove the 90 miles to Niagara Falls, Ontario. There are apparently two Niagara Falls- one in Canada and one across the border in New York. I guess a lot of people know this, but I did not. Shocking, I know. I guess I just skipped the New York course in college... or maybe just geography.

When we got there we walked around for a bit and looked at the boring as that sounds, it's actually pretty cool. After hanging out a bit we had lunch at a restaurant on the Falls overlooking the water.

View from lunch

It was a rainy-ish day so after lunch and a little more walking around we headed back to Toronto. I am really glad we took this day trip and that I got to see the Falls. Definitely worth it.

Later that night we headed over to Aaron and Chewy's house. They are both poker players who we know from our time out in Vegas at the World Series of Poker. Aaron has been over to our place a few times and saw my menu posted on the fridge. He found it extremely entertaining, so now on Mondays I send him the menu and he occasionally joins us for dinner. Chewy is allergic to cats so I took dinner over to their place.

Aaron has been in Europe for the EWSOP and we haven't seen either of the guys in a while so it was great to hear about the trip and catch up. Again, hard to believe that the next time we see them will be the last during our Toronto experience. Most of the guys are headed home for the holidays and when they return we will be gone. are a few more pics from the Falls. I promise another blog soon. Enjoy the weekend. Time to get off the computer and watch ND beat Wake Forest and the Alabama/LSU National Championship game.

The Canadians version of Southern Comfort? Maple Syrup?!

Until tomorrow...or Monday :)

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