Monday, November 7, 2011

Best of the Weekend

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend. It's an amazing fall day here in Toronto and we are excited for our upcoming weekend trip we have planned.

My grandparents 60th wedding anniversary is next month so my Dad's side of the family- everyone- is getting together this coming weekend to celebrate. It's been a very long time since we've all been together so it should be a great time!

Since we will be traveling again this coming weekend, we spent this past weekend hanging out, relaxing and being home. It was amazing. The perfect weekend. Dan did a bunch of work and studying, but we did get to enjoy time together at night watching football games and vegging.

Here is our list of Best of the Weekend:

Best Dinner Recipe (Ever! Seriously!): Homemade Skinny Enchiladas. We made shredded chicken enchiladas that were incredible. You won't want to ever buy a bottle of sauce or a box mix again. Now, we love Mexican food so that may be why we absolutely love this recipe...but another plus is that we were able to control the sodium in the sauce and the spiciness. Plus, this is a fast recipe and super easy to make. If I hadn't told you it was skinny you wouldn't have even known. Win Win. Here is a link to the recipe : Skinny Taste Enchiladas.

Best Dessert Recipe: So there are two recipes for this category. One is a no-guilt chocolate chip cookie. It doesn't include eggs or dairy (it calls for non-dairy milk like almond or rice, but I used regular milk). They taste great for a super healthy recipe. These are not Toll House though and include zero butter. So keep that in mind, but for healthy sweets it's the best. A plus of this recipe is that it also doesn't make very many. I made 6 or 7 cookies so it's perfect for a small household or someone who doesn't want a million cookies hanging around forever. Here is the link to the cookies: Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie

The other choice is not necessarily guilt free. But I often don't feel guilty eating's just motivation to work harder in the gym the next day if I can enjoy some real sugar. So here is a great recipe that will definitely be at our Canadian Thanksgiving. It's easily adaptable for the season or your taste. This also reminds me of Uncle Lee's Least Favorite Dessert.

So here is a link to the recipe: Lust Cake

Best Movie this Weekend:  This award has to go to Midnight in Paris. It's a Woody Allen film, which normally I wouldn't watch, but it got great reviews and came recommended from my in-laws. So we gave it a try and it was very good. I really liked the concept and the message. The cast isn't too shabby either. Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Kathy Bates and Marion Cotillard are just a few in the movie. It's a slower paced movie and very artsy, but a great watch for a cold fall weekend.

Best Game this Weekend: So this is a tough category, but it's a pretty clear winner. I know it seems like I should vote for the Notre Dame win over Wake Forest or the LSU/Alabama game, but I'm not. Our favorite game...aside from the result...was the Sunday night Steelers vs. Ravens game. It was the most exciting game by far to watch. Even though the Steelers didn't win it was fun and tense.

Best at Home Facial: So this is kind of a weird category, but I found this recipe on Pinterest this weekend and decided to try it out. It's an at home facial exfoliator and I happened to have the two ingredients on hand. This mixture is a great natural exfoliator and brightener. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of fresh orange juice. Don't use juice from concentrate. Best case, squeeze the juice from half of an orange to get the best juice. Mix this into a paste and put it on your face for 20 minutes. It will itch or feel funny for a bit, but don't mess with it or it will flake off. After 20 minutes, wet your finger tips and massage your face in circles to remove the paste. Rinse face until it's clean. The baking soda clearly exfoliates and removes all blackheads. The orange juice brightens your skin and puts in vitamins. Try it out. Be careful and don't use more than 2 to 3 times a week.

So I know it's kind of a random list, but it was kind of a random weekend. We are busy this week prepping for the quick trip this weekend...and Dan is obviously working and studying.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Until tomorrow...

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