Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where Do We Go From Here?

So it's that time again...time for me to poll the reading audience on where we should venture to in January.

*Quick note on the reading audience...Until we went on our trip around the US, I had no idea how many people were actually reading these silly musings. I originally started this blog for our families to be able to keep up with us and not feel like we disappeared. We both have rather sizeable extended families, and a blog seemed like the best way to reach everyone. I am both shocked and grateful at how many other people seem to be reading. Thank you for your support. I promise to try to keep things funny-ish, light and entertaining.

Ok, enough with that....where do we go....seriously?!

I think we have it mostly narrowed down to two places for the first 3 month stint. Cast your vote and/or leave a comment in the comments section to let us know what you think. We really need the help deciding!

1. Malta- the world's smallest and most densely populated country. An island in the Mediterranean off the cost of Italy. They speak English & Maltese. Tourism is their main attraction. There are some poker players there, but we don't know them.

Pros: It's a beautiful island that has great temps- like 60's- in January, February and March. They speak English. We can take quick trips to Italy and Greece for the weekend.

Cons: We don't know anyone there. It's a small island with stuff to do, but maybe not 3 months worth of things. Some items are significantly more expensive- ie: groceries- due to everything being imported.

Lantern Festival in Chiang Mai

2. Chiang Mai, Thailand- the largest and most culturally significant city in Northern Thailand.

Pros: We know people there. A handful of poker players/friends live there currently. They have been very positive about their experience and living there. The weather in Jan, Feb &March is in the 70's and 80's on average. There are 1 or 2 days of rain each of those months so it wouldn't be rainy season. It's an inexpensive place to live.

Cons: We speak zero Thai. It will be the most polar opposite from anywhere we've ever lived. The list of differences could go on...eeek

The plus of this move being only 3 months is that we don't have to love or be totally sold on a place since it's such a short stay. Also, if we don't like it we can always leave. But seeing different parts of the world every 3 months and trying things outside the box could be super exciting.

We really value your opinions and suggestions. Please help us make this decision! My thought is Jan-March in Thailand, and April-June in Malta, lastly July- Sept in London. But that's just me...it changes daily, no hourly.

Ahhh, for some reason I am seriously freaking out about this decision this week. I think it's because Laura and Mike are telling us tonight over dinner their plans. They are leaving Toronto a month before us, so we have some extra time, but still. I'm a planner. This winging-it idea is better in theory than practice for me. :)

We look forward to hearing your thoughts!



  1. Thailand. I did my study abroad there and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It is very different but such an amazing culture and so much to explore. Many people speak english, even in some of the remote villages. Good Luck, I'm jealous!!! - Meg Cleary

  2. Katie - I like your plan. The weather in Thailand can get dicey (hot, humid and torrential rains) around the May-June to November timeframe. All choices are great!
    Best Wishes!
    Uncle Bruce

  3. I vote for Thailand! Malta looks like a better spot for a vacation. But I think Thailand is better for a 3-month stay. So much to do and see. :)
    I personally think the "culture shock" you experience in Asian countries is an amazing learning and growing experience!

  4. You should come to New Zealand and visit me and Chip :) hehe! Opposite seasons so we're going in to summer. It's aaaah-mazing here!

  5. I like the 3 month stint in Thailand....sounds like rainy / flooding season right now, so hopefully will be dry, then 3 months Malta, then England. We'll visit you in August or September ! Have fun storming those castles ! Love, Dad
