Thursday, September 22, 2011

We're Backkkk...

It's been a little 10 day unintended vacy here at the Myer's house in Toronto. I didn't mean to go into full blog neglect, but one day turned into 10 without much thought. Sorry. I promise to be better about regular posts. We are actually going on 'vacation' back to the States for a few weddings (!) and to see family for almost 18 days, but I will try to post even if it's every few days. You're now officially stuck with me :)

The break did not come without lots of thought about the blog and new topics, but also some revelations about the blog thrown in with a little bit of harassment from Dan :)

So for a quick run-down of the last 10 days from us: We've been busy planning our trip back home, working out where we are staying, what to pack, the cat, etc. It will be a whirlwind 18 days, but we are excited to be able to see just about everyone while we are back.

Dan has been very busy working and studying. He is trying to play as much poker before we go on vacation since he won't be able to work in the States...more on that later.

I have been cooking, trying out lots of new fun recipes, planning the little aspects of the trip, and working on our holiday situation. Nothing too exciting at all, but it's the little things that need to be done around here.

A group of poker players we know have also moved up here this month, so we have been busy hanging out with people and planning dinners and things. It has been nice to have more people in Toronto that we know with more going on. Plus, we are all in the same situation so it's great to have people who are in the same boat and can relate.

Things are pretty normal here...working, cooking, cleaning...not too much to report which makes for a pretty boring blog, I'd say.

I will definitely be posting more so check back for more Toronto updates. See you in the States soon!

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