Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Toronto International Film Festival

September is here. Fall weather is here...well, in Toronto. College football is here. And most importantly, the Toronto International Film Festival is here!

When we decided to move to Toronto I immediately began googling fun things to do in the city. At the top of all of the lists was the TIFF. It starts Thursday and lasts until the 18th of September. The TIFF has tons of movies showing- 50/50, The Ides of March, Friends with Kids, The Descendants, Moneyball, Winnie, and so so so much more.

Starting tomorrow, all kinds of stars/actors/actresses will invade the city preparing to show off their movie during the festival. Rumor has it, most of them stay in our neighborhood or right next to us at The Four Seasons. Hopefully, this means I will see many of them away from the red carpet.

We didn't purchase tickets to any movies yet. Its a crazy process to get tickets to a movie we'd actually want to see, but we are going to check it out at the premiers get closer. I am going to try to head to the Entertainment District this weekend and next week to see the red carpets for a few of the big movies. Should be exciting! This also means I'll be moving from the couch in our comfy living room to spend the days working on my computer at the Whole Foods Market or the Starbucks around the corner :)

We are headed to a Blue Jays game tonight to see them play the Boston Red Sox at 7pm. We're checking all kinds of things off our 'list' this week.

Hope everyone had a great Wednesday! Check back this week for some TIFF updates and neighborhood spottings!

Until tomorrow....xo

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