Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bachelor Pad 2 Recap: Week 5

Kind of an up and down episode last night. I thought there was a lot of material included this week, and a twist, but the end was predictable. Blake and Erica had to go home. Mismatched partners, bad game players, and I couldn't watch another awkward sex proposition from Erica to anyone else.

I love, LOVE, love Michelle & Graham. They are super cute as a couple! Plus, their strategy was a brilliant way to win the rose & game. Very clever. I am excited to see them together at the reunion next week to get an update.

Kasey & Vienna...really now words, again this week. Did they really have a 5 minute fight in front of the house (and the world) over sex? Go home already. Quit saying your bags are packed. Is that a threat? I will seriously take you up on that one.

Not only have they worn out their welcome, but they are officially snakes. I wasn't surprised by their move before the rose ceremony, but I really hoped they wouldn't be so transparent and slimy. As Kasey responded when Vienna said they tried, "No, we didn't." At least he's an honest snake.

They need a taste of their own medicine fast. And I think if they go on to win this season, season 3 will have many less viewers than before.  Plus, losing the Nearlywed game was too much. We can see through this thing you're calling a "relationship." It's a farce. Biggest understatement of the night is from Kasey: "It's really hard dating her, but I love her." Kasey, it's hard watching you try to guard and protect her heart. I can't imagine actually trying to go through with it.

Most awkward part of the episode goes to Erica. She is nuts. I thought she was trying go get past her dumb, Paris Hilton image this season since she is in law school. Obviously, I was mistaken. She keeps outdoing herself with the crazy game-moves, deep thoughts, and talking to her dead friends' spirits. The whole date when she was trying to seduce Blake is so uncomfortable. Funny that she defended her actions with "I've only kissed one guy and he was the bachelor so that's fine." Really?! Just a weird date for Blake...and for all of us watching.

Blake doesn't give into Erica because of his feelings for Holly, which is both cute and sad. I still am having a hard time watching the Holly, Michael, Blake triangle play out on TV. I guess since it includes Blake, it can't be all that serious. Holly must just be looking for a fun thing, not a serious relationship with Blake, right?! The reunion episode should be interesting for an update from the three of them. I haven't read anything recent on who Holly ends up with. I've gotta give it to Michael though for trying. He's really being honest and trying to go about it the right way. I see where Holly is coming from though, that he had 3 months to get her back, but sometimes it takes that kick of losing someone to realize it. Not an easy situation.

The rose ceremony was dramatic. I do agree that everyone has their own story and need for the money, and the Ella story is tough, but enough already. And are Keith and Ella a couple? I can't figure it out. I know they are partners in this game, but kissing couple? Hmmm...

Next week is the season finale....thankfully! I am ready for this season to be over. I want Michelle & Graham to win since they are such a cute couple. I also really like Michael and Holly, but who knows how that turns out. Maybe everyone will get a clue and vote V & K off next week right before the finals. One can only hope :)

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