Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reality Rock Bottom

I think I have officially found reality T.V. rock bottom. After spending 3 hours of my life watching the Bachelor Pad 2, I began questioning the path my life is taking.

Yesterday I was worried that comparing the new season to an episode of Maury was a little harsh. I think now after seeing it, it's the nice way of putting it. Last night's episode was Jerry Springer on the juice. Out of control. A total disaster of reality personalities.

But it's kind of the perfect disaster. I am worried I may continue watching it for a few reasons....First, there really is nothing on to rival it. And clearly, doing something else would be less fun than watching a train-wreck. Secondly, it's so bad I need to continue the show to make sure it's not stupid. Clearly I wouldn't have spent 3 hours on a stupid show. Lastly, what if someone I dislike today wins the $250,000? Did they play a good game? Did they deserve to win? I would never know the answers without continuing on this downward spiral of television catastrophe.

To boil the ep down for you: Jake & Vienna. The ultimate pair to put on this show. They are so fame hungry it's hard to watch. They keep saying the other one is the fame whore and in it for money when they themselves clearly aren't. Newsflash: the audience can see through both of your lies. And where is the mother of that child who literally cried when she saw Jake on Hollywood Blvd? Does this mother have no morals for her daughter? Has she not seen the breakup interview? I mean, really?! And Jake giving Vienna the rose. Proves nothing. He looks silly and she is annoying. I think the producers must have payed him to do that to create a good season. Or he really is that dumb. I can't decide. Terrible game move though.

Vienna & Casey. Terrible couple. If I had played a drinking game with this episode- three hours is a bit long, even for my game taste-and the rules only stated I had to take a sip of my cocktail everytime Casey said 'guard,' 'protect,' and 'heart,'  I would have been sloshed about 30 mins in! Is his vocab seriously that limited? News came out last night that these two are moving in together in LA. Worst Idea Ever. Where are their parents to stop this fame-obsessed relationship from continuing? Do they not watch the show!?

Ames. Everyone loves Ames for some reason. People complained today that he wasn't featured in the show enough. In my opinion, he had quite enough time. He ruined his chance at being a star on this season by falling in love in the first 5 hours of meeting a girl. What happened to the shy-ish, reserved, hard to show emotion Ames? This Ames and the Ames that met Ashley are clearly two different people. The simple explanation for this mis-step on Ames' part is that he obviously didn't watch the Jersey Shore. Ronnie clearly said in season 1 "Don't fall in love at the shore." Ronnie broke that rule and now 5 seasons later we are all paying for it. No one likes people who fall in love on a dime. We tune in for the 12 week season to see if the Bachelor picks anyone at all. What fun is it if we know you're in love on night 1?! All that education clearly didn't give Ames a game strategy.

Michelle Money. When she doesn't even come across as crazy enough to garner more attention in a 3 hour episode, you know you're in for a treat. The crazy carnival must have come to town. She was sane last night! That is definitely not the Money we all know and love :)

Gia. Did she forget she is a swimsuit model and doesn't need reality t.v. to be famous? She sold herself to the Mike Fleiss machine for sure. Sad. She cries too much and has too much drama for me to care anymore. Between her and Vienna, I am drained already. And I feel like we've only seen the tip of the iceberg so far.

I will say I am interested to see how the Holly & Michael thing plays out. From the previews, it seems sad. I wish they could make it work. Interesting choice to pair up on the first challenge. Smart move since they work well together, and maybe a glimmer of hope they can reconcile.

Glad they sent home Justin and Allie. I don't remember Allie from her season, which means she is kinda boring I guess. And Justin...no words really. Who doesn't remember his one legged escape from Allie through the bushes in his season. In the end, these two cast-offs only threw each other under the bus and both got sent home. Great game plan. Dead weight is gone...so I guess that's the plus.

Wow. Not sure what is worse- that I watched all 3 hours, or that I blogged about it for this long. Clearly, I need some reality T.V. help. Is Dr. Drew available? :)

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