Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bachelor Pad Recap: Week 2

As I watched last nights episode of the Bachelor Pad 2, I tried to see if there was anything worth blogging about. I mean yeah, Gia left. Ames left when Jackie was voted off. Jake asked Vienna for help. Boring. There were some good parts and story lines that I am interested to see play out, but overall it was a little slow for me.

However, this is still the Bachelor Pad 2 and obviously something had to happen that would warrant some time and space on this blog. Kasey. The tattoo. Heartbeat. Guard and Protect time. Really?! This guy, who has already been mocked for getting what may go down in history as one of the worst tattoos ever, actually made it thump like it had a heart beat and tried to be Superman. The one line, "You know what this means....it's guard and protect time" says it all. Does he think he is Captain Planet!? That tattoo isn't really going to save anything, Kasey. It's getting even a bit creepy for me.

Between all of the weird solo interviews he gives and the whole Vienna relationship, I am so ready for those two to be gone. The good news is, the producers seem to be setting them up for a huge fall. They keep showing all of the parts where K & V say they are in charge, running the house, etc. Clearly, ABC & Mike Fleiss will have to show us a humbling fall from grace to balance out all of this arrogance. No one can actually win that predicted winning and ran the whole game from day 1.

Couple of other observations:
  • I felt bad for Erica during the challenge....then I saw the preview for next week. She looks to be making out with Jake. Grossssssss. Hopefully just a desperate move to get more TV time.
  • Gia left clearly for attention. I think she is probably more upset that no one tried to stop her or really even missed her than she is over leaving and missing out on $250k. She knew the game...she was on last season! 
  • Ames and Jackie are cute. When he left, I thought it was a bit scripted, but cute none-the-less.
  • The Holly and Michael story line is sad to me. I hope they turn out ok, but it's too early to tell right now. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  • Chris Harrison clearly wanted to tell V & K to not let all of the doors (the ones open all around the house not forcing them to stay) hit them on the way out. Favorite part of the episode! He showed Vienna she is getting to be too big for her britches. Oh and that he still controls the game...hence the 'twist.'
Hopefully next week will be more exciting. I am clearly hooked at this point and can't wait to see what Kasey's tattoo will say next! :)  If nothing else, I am sure the crazy blonde girl will be at it again. She's becoming this seasons Michelle Money! Ohhh, reality TV.

Until tomorrow...xo


  1. K2 - I am so watching BP2 as well and I appreciate your commentary and observations. Please keep them coming:) I also was wondering how much they paid Ames to get in the limo when Jackie was voted off. I find it hard to believe that none of the show is scripted AND it seemed so shady that Jake thought he was going to be voted off this week and SURPRISE, the men won't be voted off this week....they really want to keep Vienna and Jake in the house together as long as possible. Anyways, just want to say that I like your observations!

  2. Kristy- so glad there is someone else trudging through it too! :) From what I've read, Ames and Jackie are still together and very happy. It was a true relationship and may actually last. It was such a scripted moment though! I will give it to the producers- they are doing everything possible to keep the money train rolling...Jake, Vienna & Kasey are bringing in the ratings and drama. Can't let any of them get away :) Hope things are going well with yall! Hope you're feeling well!
