Wednesday, July 6, 2011

St. Lawrence Market

Since Dan is not quite back working yet- it takes a few days for the poker sites to update your location and account- we have been venturing out into the city exploring. We have taken walks around our neighborhood, found a grocery store and bank that we walk to, and visited a few touristy spots.

Our most recent adventure happened yesterday, and so far I have to say it was my favorite. We went to the St. Lawrence Market. It is a huge building that houses hundreds of vendor stands that have been there for decades. Fresh meats, fruits, fresh fish, spices, cheeses and more. We were overwhelmed by the size alone. Just Google the words 'St. Lawrence Market' and you can see dozens of images of the place.

Side note- Dan and I took the subway to get there- it is not in walking distance from our house. But in a shocking turn of events, I LOVED the subway. It was amazing! So clean, so easy, so subway experience!

The building was full of people...and on a Tuesday afternoon around 1 pm that was surprising. I can't imagine it on a Saturday morning! We wandered around the entire market for about an hour just observing all that the vendors had to offer. In the end we came home with some great cuts of meat and chicken for dinners this week. The prices were better than a Kroger in the States! And in Toronto, that's a welcome surprise!

The market was also the perfect place to go to get appetizer or tapas items. The cheese stands were incredible. Cheeses from all around the world and the signs told you great things to pair them with. The meat counters had so many different kinds and cuts of meat it was crazy. There were racks of only spices from around the world. And carts with over 100 different types of rices you could buy. I was in heaven!

So here are a few pictures from our journey. The first one shows a meat case with odd types of burgers- ostrich, kangaroo, camel, buffalo, venison, emu. The other picture shows lots of fancy "salty" salts from around the world. Lorri, I know you'll come visit now!

This last picture is a shot of the CN Tower which is close to the market. It is also close to our house from the other side. One day a trip there will be on the agenda.

Ok, I could go on and on about the sites and smells of the Market, but as my sister told me I tend to ramble on!

Pictures to come soon on all of the meals I have cooked here so far...

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