Monday, October 8, 2012

Vienna Sightseeing

Myers statue picture

On Saturday, Dan took the day off of work and we went into the center of town and did some good old fashioned sightseeing. It feels like it has been a while since we trekked through churches and shops...we didn't do much of that in England.

On our list of places to see were St. Stephan's Cathedral, the popular shopping districts Graben & Kartner Strasse, St. Peter's Church, the Hoher Markt, Demel Coffee Shop, and Stadtpark. We covered a lot of ground!

One of the positives about Austria that we noticed...they don't charge a fee to go into their churches to see. We did have to pay a small fee to go to the top of the north tower of St. Stephan's but it has an amazing view of the city and you can walk around the large balcony and take pictures.

Overall we had a perfect day just wandering the city and getting lost. We loved all of the architecture and the old European feeling to the city. The weather was gorgeous and perfect for spending the day outside. Not much more I can say about it so here are our pictures from the day:

Old Town

The tunnel statues

Demel Coffee Shop

St. Peter's Church

Gorgeous altar of St. Peter's Church

Candles...maybe saying prayers for an ND win?

Outdoor bar in the city

Roof of St. Stephan's Cathedral

More architecture

Dan reading my notes on why these
places are famous. Little tour guide lessons.

Main altar of St. Stephan's

Famous pulpit

more prayers

stairs to the main pulpit

View from the top of the North Tower

Big bell on top of North Tower of St. Stephan's

Other part of St. Stephan's roof

fenced in

Bridal pictures in Stephandom

The Hoher Clock

Wedding Statue

Demel's afpelstrudel

Hard at work on some chocolates

Ruins...of old tourists...I mean the old city

more statues


stairs in technicolor


Truffle Shuffle 
Another view of the roof of St. Stephan's


Dan and Beethoven

in Stadtpark

arm shot

funniest contraption on a segway!
They added a baby car seat and he was
just sitting while they zoomed around town!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Sorry for the picture dump, but I think it's better to see pics than for me to ramble on. We are off to see more sights on Wednesday so check back for some more posts this week!

1 comment:

  1. ok love the new the heart the pictures but miss your personal stories and humor comming thru! Mom
