Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Vienna- Day 1

Dan's Lunch

We arrived in Austria! Last night we landed in Vienna late and made our way to our new home for the next 4 weeks. It was too late and dark last night to see anything so today we got up and went around town trying to get our bearings. Side note- immigration was a BREEZE! They didn't ask us a single question! Not sure what England's problem is....

My lunch

The first day in any new country is a little overwhelming to me. We usually rent an apartment that isn't directly in the city centre for our stay...so the first day is all about getting oriented with the city, finding grocery stores, figuring our new home out, etc. Today was a lot of those kinds of things.

Birthday plans- seeing Milli Vanilli Live!

Of course our first stop had to be some traditional Austrian food for lunch. I seriously think Dan will be in hog heaven here- both literally and figuratively. He had bacon wrapped hot dog type sausages with cheese. I opted for chicken wiener schnitzel- basically fried flat chicken...it was delish. Both were tasty and we felt very Austrian.

Never too far from home...sign on our street

The big mission of the day was to pick up some adapters for our laptops. I have no idea where the ones we had from Barcelona went, but we ended up here last night without any power adapters. We headed to the huge shopping street and found an electronics store- it was on the top floor of a shopping center. Hard to describe, but it's like a department store with all different levels- make up and shoes on the ground floor, clothes and home goods on the 2nd floor, a separate sporting goods store on the third floor, and a separate electronics store on the top floor. But they had what we needed so it all worked out.

So much more exploring to do this week. Dan will be back to work, but I will be out and about. More posts to come!

Hope everyone is having a great week. If you have been to Vienna tell us your favorite thing or something we should not miss!

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