Friday, October 12, 2012

More Vienna Sights


Seated Dinner set up
Yesterday Dan took a half day off of work and we spent the early afternoon visiting the Imperial Apartments, Sisi Museum and Silver Collection of the Hofburg- the main residence of the Habsburg Family.

They also have a summer residence a little bit outside of the city. This was simply their winter residence. Doesn't everyone have two?

Dan and I both agreed that we are not fancy enough to have been or to be part of one of the banquets/dinners held for the family. The Silver Collection was incredible and there were so many dishes...I seriously doubt that it all was used. On the upside, each guest gets their own carafe of wine for dinner which includes 9 to 13 courses. Fancy, huh?

City Hall
Afterwards we wandered through the center of town to see some of the areas we didn't see our first day out. We stopped by many of the government buildings- Parliament, City Hall, the University, etc. We looped around at a church that may or may not be completely haunted. It was mostly under construction, but still functioning as a church. But I am definitely thinking they could make some extra money by running ghost tours through there at night. For movie buffs- it is the church shown in the movie "Before Sunrise" with Ethan Hawke & Julie Delpy. Great indy movie that takes place in Vienna.

The Sisi Museum was probably my favorite thing we saw yesterday. Empress Elizabeth of Austria was pretty fascinating and kinda crazy. We were able to walk through their dressing rooms, bedrooms, conference areas and dining areas. She had a major weight and beauty complex, having her ankle length hair worked on for 2 to 3 hours a day. She was also known for having a super tiny waist of 16 inches around at one point. They didn't allow pictures in the Sisi Museum or Imperial Apartments, but we did take some more around town...

Old Guard Stand
Dan outside the Theseus Temple in Volksgarten
Hopscotch in City Hall park
Here is the church, here is the steeple
Stained glass windows
Statue at the University 
BieberFever Ambulance?
Other than sightseeing, Dan and I have been busy at work. Well Dan has actually been working...but I've been keeping busy trying to revamp the blog and make it more organized and functional.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Love the new layout and your glasses :)
    -carbon copy
