Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What!? I Have a Blog?

So the New Years Resolution didn't hold up too well. I am a terrible blogger. And I actually am not ashamed about that right now. But I do apologize for my lack of life updates and news from our side of the world. I promise to set myself back on track and do these updates routinely. Ha...we will see if I can last more than a week. Fingers crossed.

Since the last time I wrote anything, we have moved to Manchester, England. March was a month of travels through Rome, Amsterdam and Barcelona. Our internet was shaky at best, but we made it work. We have found a home here in England and are all settled into our new routine, which can really only be described as a simple real life routine.

I promise this week to update the blog with stories and photos from our time in Amsterdam & Barcelona. Since we are living in Manchester for 6 months, Dan and I have a deal that we will take a little get away to a fun place each month. Since there is not too much to tell you on a daily basis besides cooking, cleaning, work & gym going, we will now be able to show you our little trips to various destinations.

Our first trip is next Monday and we are headed to Edinburgh, Scotland. We are there for about 2 and 1/2 days and are taking a full day trip around the Scottish Highlands and searching for the Loch Ness Monster. Pretty excited about this one. I feel as though my love for TV crime dramas will come in handy on this adventure!

As for Manchester...we really really really like it. It has everything we need within a 5 minute walk from our apartment. We have a rhythm here and a routine and we are really enjoying ourselves. Each Sunday we have made a point to head out to our local pub and watch some 'football' even. Things have been quite crazy around the city regarding 'football' since the two Manchester teams were neck and neck for the League Title until it was won by Manchester City in the last 30 seconds of their game on Sunday. Pretty exciting atmosphere around town.

More to come this week, I promise. So keep checking back to see a little highlight of our life from the past 2 months.

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