Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Amsterdam Visit

Beaucoup de Tulips

We had the best and most amazing time visiting Amsterdam in March. We were lucky enough to have a friend who lives there, Patrick, who took so much time out of his life to show us all around town for 4 days. It was amazing. I don't think we would have enjoyed it as much without P as a guide...we saw all the best places and ate all of the best foods.


Our set up events for Amsterdam were the Van Gogh Museum, the Anne Frank House and the Heineken Museum & Brewery. They were all great to see and experience. I would definitely recommend them to everyone who visits Amsterdam.

Myers Photo Op on a Bridge

The Van Gogh Museum- I really loved getting to walk through and see how his art and skill evolved all while listening to stories about his life starting from childhood. Did you know that Van Gogh had no official training or talent for art. He simply enjoyed painting- some days- and created masterpieces. The museum is very well done and the extra 4 euro for the audio tour was well worth it. You can download a free audio tour on your IPhone or IPod and save the cash.

Outside of the Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank Museum- Dan and I were amazed that the actual office/attic that they lived in was turned into a museum...and we were able to walk through it. It was a crazy experience seeing the stickers on the walls she put up to decorate her tiny space and the lengths they went to in order to stay hidden and alive. A truly remarkable spot to visit. It isn't very noticeable until you get inside though. The museum is nicely camouflaged in a residential neighborhood and the exterior of the building looks as though it were just another house. Very informational and moving.

The Boys at the Heineken

The Heineken Museum- not much to say here as to why we enjoyed this stop :) It has beer. You get to taste the beers with a taste-guide who shows you the best way to drink a beer depending on how you want it to taste. We also mixed some barley and hops and saw the brewing process in action. This stop is very game-centered and much less about the beer than about their branding and the history of the company. Very fun & tasty though!

Stirring the Beer

Since Patrick was born and raised in Amsterdam, he walked us through all of the different neighborhoods and areas and showed us some very cool sites. Some of the ones that stand out are the University and the book fair area where people stock their stands with their used books of all kinds and sell them. Seems simple, but a very interesting little nook within the University.

Ben & Dan at the Heineken Museum

One of my favorite stops was Begijnhof. It is this tiny little cloister neighborhood dating back to the early 14th century. It was originally established as a Roman Catholic cloister for nuns and was taken over by the Presbyterians later on. Lots of history there, but it was magical. We were wandering through one of the main streets and adjoining courtyard type areas when Patrick showed us this large wooden door. When we went through the small outdoor hallway we came upon this pristine courtyard with postage stamp type houses all around. It was quiet and hidden right in the middle of Amsterdam, but gorgeous and simple. I loved it...it kind of felt like a little secret place we got to see.

Statue in the Courtyard of Begijnhof

I am not sure if we loved Amsterdam so much because it was very calm and clean compared to Rome or if it was something else. I think having friends there was a huge plus- Patrick and Denny we can't thank you enough. We just loved the feeling of the city, how clean and welcoming it was, and the diversity. Patrick told us about the Netherlands rule in other countries and how their culture is influenced by many of those places. It seemed to us that the Netherlands went all around the world and took what they saw as the best traits or customs of each place and brought them to Amsterdam. In a sense trying to create a super-culture or super-country.

All of the boys

We did wander through the Red Light District both during the day and at night. It was a weird experience to say the least. I guess if you are raised around it then it becomes normal-ish to you and you aren't phased by it. But it was an experience none the less.

The Book Nook

Our friend Denny was also able to come and hang out with us while we were there. He lives and studies in Rotterdam, but would take the train in at night to come hang out. We had a great time seeing him and so much fun!

Me & Denny Man....Victory!

All in all Amsterdam was the highlight of March. Tomorrow I will blog about the foods we ate while in Amsterdam. 

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