Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rome: The Sights

At the Pantheon

Our first stop in March was Rome, Italy. We spent 4 days seeing the sights and eating alllll of the food. It was a great time and we learned quite a bit throughout our tours in Rome.

Training Arena for Gladiators before they went to the Coliseum

Coliseum at night

For our first full day I had booked a tour guide for a few hours to take us to the San Clemente Church, the Coliseum, Palatine Hill, Capitol Hill & the Forum. She explained everything to us that we were seeing and talked all about the history of Rome. It was a lot to take in for only 3 hours, but we enjoyed seeing the major sites!

Where Caesar was cremated

One thing that sort of surprised us all was how Rome was built in layers. You have the original ground 'floor' where the Coliseum is built and then during the middle ages the places were filled in and built upon. Some of the sites are literally on the corner of an intersection and have been dug up. Giovanna also explained to us how the Coliseum, Pantheon, and other buildings were originally covered in marble and gold, but that the city was pillaged to build the Vatican. Basically Rome was and is made of reused pieces of history. Some walls include fragments of columns and buildings that had been torn down, etc.

The boys with Giovanna at San Clemente

Our second day included a trip to the Vatican and the Sistene Chapel. We were all overwhelmed by how big it was and all of the art covering every inch of the building! I think it was very different than what we had imagined. We did see the Sistene Chapel and I managed to get a picture or two before being told cameras were not allowed. Seeing the Vatican was interesting, but I am still perplexed by the whole Pope living there thing and all of the art housed there.

Vatican Tapestry

Altar in Sistine Chapel

Our last full day was a Saturday and we used it to see sites such as the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, Spanish Steps, and Pantheon. We had a leisurely day and enjoyed taking in the places at our own pace. Rome is nice to wander around because it seems that no matter where you are there is always something to look at or see.


Dome in the Pantheon

On Saturday afternoon, Dan and I tried a tour/game that I had read about by a company called WhaiWhai. It was sort of like a scavenger hunt or Da Vinci Code experience using a book we picked up and a cell phone/texting. Basically you read stories throughout the book and there are clues. You have to figure out the location you are supposed to go to and then you get a question via text that you have to answer when you get to the location. It is a fun way to see the city and sights and play a game while doing it. 

Man sharpening knives with a bike

Dan and I had originally set the game up for a 2 hour little adventure. After 4 hours and seeing most of the places we had already seen in our previous 2 days, we ended the game. It was cold and dark and we couldn't get a bus to our final location so we texted in an answer and got it right on the first try. It sent us the code to the final story in the book and we figured out the ending. We did get to have fun with it and seem some different sides of Rome. Plus, we got in some practice for the Amazing Race if we ever want to do that...maybe that will be our next plan.

Boys in Piazza Navona

All in all Rome was a great first stop. We saw almost all of the typical touristy stops and had a good time together trying to figure it all out. Now we can check Rome off of the bucket list.

Coliseum Shot

Check back here tomorrow for a post all about the food in Rome....accompanied by pictures of course.

Until then...xo

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