Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March So Far....

And just like that....we're back. Well, semi-back to blogging that is. We are not back as in the definition of returning to a place you've already been. Unless that place is this blog....I need to stop.

So it's March 13th. We are all three (Dan, Ben & I) alive and in Barcelona. On February 29th we left Malta and headed for Rome, then Amsterdam, now Barcelona. And today is a BIG day...I have actually showered and left the house for a destination other than the grocery store. Seems silly, but since March 5th or 6th I have been seriously ill with a major cold. So today just by showering and getting to a Starbucks via the subway and blogging...this is HUGE.

Unfortunately, I did give this cold to Ben who got it a day after I did, but he is now feeling a little back to normal. Dan, however, just got sick yesterday. He never gets sick. I guess it was bound to happen. So he is at home in bed with this major cold. We are a real rag tag team here.

But back to our travels. In the next few posts I am going to break down each city with 2 posts. The first will be our sightseeing. The second will be a food post. I may have to do this in 4 posts, but we will see. We've seen and eaten a LOT.

We haven't made it out anywhere in Barcelona yet, but we have 3 weeks here so sightseeing and outings will start as soon as the sickness disappears. Mike and Laura get here tomorrow night so I do know our first outing will be dinner with them on Thursday.

Hopefully this post finds everyone doing well. We miss everyone in the States so much and talk about y'all all the time. We still do not know when this adventure will bring us back home, but each day there is new news regarding legalizing poker...so fingers crossed.

Check back tomorrow for our first post about Rome: The Sights. I promise lots of pictures and less babbling.

Until tomorrow...xo

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