Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thursday Night Family Dinner

Group Shot
Last night the 5 of us went out to try a highly rated restaurant in Malta called Ta' Kris. It serves authentic Maltese dishes and has a great European atmosphere.

Laura and Mike both had a the rabbit. It is a Maltese thing...eating rabbit. Not my thing, per say, but a thing. They both loved it. I had a traditional Maltese dish called Bragioli that was great. Dan had a beef stew and Ben opted for the grouper dinner.

Here are some photos of us out celebrating the Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck...

Three Maltese Dips and Bread

The Kennell's

The Myers

Beef Bragioli

Beef Stew


All in all it was a great night out. Hope everyone has a fun weekend! We only have 2 weekends left in Malta! Really starting to get excited for our trips in March.
More to come on Monday...xo

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