Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Amsterdam Trip in March

For the month of March we are traveling around Europe to three different places. We start with 4 days in Rome. Thanks to Claire Hoffman for all of her help, we have a ton of things to see, places to eat, and a tour guide set up for a few different things. We are very excited!

Our second stop is Amsterdam. When Dan and I were at the World Series in 2010, we met two poker players- Denny & Patrick- from the Netherlands and have kept in touch with them. We added Amsterdam as a stop for March to not only see the city but to have the chance to catch up with good friends.

I have been talking to Patrick, and sent him a list of ideas of things we thought we wanted to do. I wanted him to let me know if I was missing anything, etc. He is incredible and has sent me back a three day itinerary! He is going to be our official tour guide to all things Amsterdam for 3 1/2 days. We are so excited and beyond greatful to know such amazing people!

So here are some of the highlights of our trip to Amsterdam:

-Bloemenmarket area

-Begijnhof...a community where only women are allowd to life, in a noisy city like Amsterdam it 's a beautiful peacefull place...recommended by Patrick

-The van Gogh museum

-Albertkuyp market...a street market that is popular

-The Heineken experience

-Anne Frank house

-Cafe t Smalle- Fun Fact: it is the favorite cafe of one of Holland most fierced and recently released criminals 'Willem Holleeder" aka De Neus (The Nose). Willem was also responsible for the Kidnapping of Freddie Heineken, and he comes to the cafe from time to time so who knows....

Lots of fun things to do and see in just 3 days, but we are ready.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I heard great stories from mom & dad's party back home. Sad we missed it.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone too! Dan and I are going out to dinner to celebrate tonight. We are trying an Argentinian Steak House...should be good.

Other than that we are busy with work and wrapping up travel plans. Nothing new to report. Miss you guys!


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