Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 Years Ago...

Just a quick little post today...

5 years ago yesterday, Dan and I began dating. Awwwww. I know. It's adorable. And Barb, Claire & Julia...I know there are a lot of stories y'all can tell, but we won't put them all out there right now ;)

I can't even come up with the right word or words to sum up the last five years, but perfect will have to do.

It has been a crazy period of time. A lot has happened in the last 5 years. We have moved more than 5 times, we got married, we're living around the world...I could go on. We've had a lot of amazing times and other times have really tested our relationship, but it's all been worth it.

I don't think that if you had asked us as seniors in college what the next five years would be like either of us could have come up with 98% of the things that have happened. But each experience has been special and made us better because we were together.

Not going to get sappy. Just wanted to say Happy (unoffical, since we have an actual wedding anniversary) 5 Year Anniversary Dan. I'd be lost without you...


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