Sunday, February 19, 2012

Carnival in Malta

One of the floats in the parade

Apparently Carnival is widely celebrated in Malta. We unknowingly stumbled onto a parade in Valletta yesterday while out doing touristy things. I guess it makes total sense that it coincides with the lenten season coming up this week. While we knew nothing about it, it seems to be just like Mardi it's own way.

Another float

Yesterday morning when we left the apartment we could tell something was going on because there were double the amount of people outside wandering and children were everywhere in costumes...similar to halloween.

Kids in costume...not even the best ones

We arrived in Valletta and heard lots of music and the square where the bus terminal is located was packed. After roaming around for a few minutes we ran into a parade with floats and dancers and music.

Part of the Parade

After we toured the State Palace Rooms and Armory, the celebrations really seemed to be gearing up. We stopped for lunch and there were kids in elaborate costumes and makeup. Apparently that afternoon was a dance competition they were all part of to celebrate Carnival.

It was a fun thing to see and I am sure there were plenty of parties around town this weekend. We had a great day yesterday out and about seeing some of the final things on our list before our time is up in Malta. More to come this week from our other stops...

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Until tomorrow...xo

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