Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More of Valletta

The coast of Valletta

St. Paul's Church

The actual pillar where they beheaded St. Paul

 Here are some more pictures of our day in Valletta, Malta on Saturday. We saw both the St. John's Co-Cathedral and the St. Paul's Shipwreck Church. Tomorrow is the day of St. Paul's shipwreck on the island so there will be fireworks, parades, celebrations and more all around Malta honoring St. Paul. We are excited to see a feast day celebration in a place that has dedicated their life to honoring the saint. They hold St. Paul (and the Knights) in the utmost regards.

Bibliotheca- the Malta Library

The 2nd oldest Theater in Europe

The clocks outside of St. John's Co-Cathedral

The altar at St. John's

It was a lot of fun to walk around Valletta and see all of the different places. St. John's Co-Cathedral has two Caravaggio paintings and a floors are inlaid marble tombs for many of the knights. The gardens were also a great place to visit overlooking the water. We saw the sun setting and enjoyed taking in the three sister cities across the harbor.

The Malta Stock Exchange

The Saluting Battery in Upper Barracca Gardens

Ceiling of St. John's Co-Cathedral

Pillar in St. John's

Freezing in Malta...taking layering to a whole new level

Hopefully this weekend I will have some time to post pictures from the celebration of St. Paul's feast day. We are still in planning mode and work mode around the house. Everyone is trying to figure out April and beyond right now. I am finishing up some planning on Rome and Amsterdam and trying to figure out the best ways to spend our time there. We are getting very excited for our month of travel coming up.

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.

Until tomorrow...xo

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