Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl 2012

Our terrible 'just for fun' bet sheet

So everyone knows that last night was the Superbowl. People in Europe, especially Malta, don't really know and or care. Football to them is soccer. The REAL football they call it. Well, last night we made them stay up until 4:30 am experiencing OUR football...and enjoying it!

Mike & Laura

The 5 of us went down to Bubbles bar at 12:30 am to watch the game. The bar had told us ahead of time they would be open, but they would only stay open as long as people we there and drinking. Made sense. So we had to hold up our end of the deal.

Getting the night started

None of us really had an interest in either team, so Dan and I made some fun $5 bets on different parts of the game. Let's just say we didn't fare as well as the Giants. Our record was disastrous, but we had fun. We all had a few beers and enjoyed getting a chance to watch real American television and sports.

The bartenders cheers-ing the game

The bartenders ended up drinking wayyyy more than we all did. We taught them how to play quarters and Mike made them regret wanting to play drinking games :)

some Titanic to shake things up...

All in all it was a good/weird night. We ended up all going to sleep around 4:30 am or so. We were happy the Giants pulled out the win in the end and that it was an exciting game. At one point in the night we were asking each other if we remembered what we were doing last year for the game. I can safely say my answer next year will be a funny story to look back on.

Hope everyone had a great time watching the Superbowl. It's been a slow/off day here with our sleep schedule so mixed up from last night. Back to normal tomorrow!

Until then....xo

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