Just wanted to put up a quick post this morning passing along something Dan showed me from a fellow poker players life outside of the US....
Here is a video that is mesmerizing to me showing another poker players travels through Indonesia, Malaysia (Borneo), Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, India. He spent about a month per country, with 3 months in India.
Not all travel looks the same...but this is one amazing view of what travel should look like. Hope you enjoy!
Here is a video that is mesmerizing to me showing another poker players travels through Indonesia, Malaysia (Borneo), Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, India. He spent about a month per country, with 3 months in India.
Not all travel looks the same...but this is one amazing view of what travel should look like. Hope you enjoy!
wow wow wow....thats the kind of travelling we all imagine yall are doing.....thats the kind I dream of doing....guess you could make a movie of castle's jutaposed with apartment scenes, you cooking, chopping, cleaning or modern vs old castle loo's....that player has a movie makeing future!