Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh Canada

Well, we've officially made it to Toronto and settled into the city life!

For those who haven't heard, we have relocated to Toronto Canada for 6 months for Dan to continue to play poker online. It is temporarily shut down in the US due to some issues with the payment processors, the government and the sites. There are currently bills that have been introduced and are on the circle around Washington D.C. to get poker legalized and taxed in America. Short version- in order for Dan to play poker online we relocated for a few months outside of the US where everything is running as usual.

We chose Toronto for a few reasons...First, it is close enough to the border for us to drive back and forth to the States for weddings in October and Christmas. Plus we have Finnegan with us so driving is an easier first step than flying. Secondly, neither of us has lived the city lifestyle at all. Even when Dan was living in Chicago he was on the outskirts of the city. In Toronto, we are in a mid-rise apartment building with doormen and the city bustling all around below. We are actually loving it so far! Lastly, Toronto is diverse and has so many things to do- we can't get bored here. Plus it's the easiest transition out of the US with many of our conveniences of home right around the city.

 The most difficult part of any move- to another state or country- is losing the things you are comfortable with and that are familiar. My routine has been drastically changed every time we have moved with the simple- having to find a new grocery store or pharmacy- to the complicated- finding new friends and creating a life we are used to.

So far, we have spent the last few days unpacking and settling in, wandering around the city aimlessly, finding our grocery stores and other shops, and planning fun things to do while we are here. We are even surprising ourselves with how much we have been loving this transition!

Dan should be all set to start work again in a few days- the poker sites have to update his location, etc. I have been cooking dinners each night to try to get us into a routine. We have even worked out in our building's gym. By the time we make it back to the States we may be on the most normal schedule we've ever been on! It's a goal :)

I know this post has drug on a bit, but I want you to know we are doing great here so far! Many times people are faced with a fork in the road. In our case, we took the chance. In the worst case, it will be a life lesson. In the best case, it will be one heck of a life experience. We are really enjoying taking this crazy journey together!

I will be updating the blog daily with updates on our life, fun things we have done in Toronto (or wherever we may be next,) and probably a few of my rambling thoughts :)  If there is something you want to see or hear about in Toronto, let me know. We love recommendations and are eager to try all things Canadian, eh.

Our phones still work here, but we do not have text messaging anymore. We have email, bbm- for blackberry users, and google chat. Keep in touch and let us know how things are back in the States and the places we consider home. On this 4th of July, we are definitely missing America a bit and all of you!

Until tomorrow...xo

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